Monday, April 13, 2009

How You Can Help!

Let your voice be heard! Write, call or email the county commissioners and let them know what you expect of your museum. Below are sample letters you can send in as well as the contact information of the County Commission.

If you have done so, please drop us an email at so we can keep track of the letters sent.

Sample Letter in .pdf format


Copy, edit and add to the text below and send it in! Remember, a written letter sent through the mail is always the best, but if all you have time for is an email, every communication will help! Don't forget to include your name and address so they know you are a real member of Fremont County!

To email the County Commission: Email
Send your letters to:
Fremont County Commissioners
450 North Second St.
Lander, WY 82520

County Commissioners are: Keja Whiteman, Dennis Heckart, Doug Thompson, Pat Hickerson, Dennis Christensen. Feel free to look them up and give them a call!

Letter Text:
Dear Fremont County Commission,

I, as a resident of Fremont County, am writing to convey my concern over the recent events at the Fremont County Pioneer Museum. I would like to see a museum that ensures the preservation of history in Fremont County for my children and grandchildren. I do not believe the current staff or board members have provided this and believe the residents of Fremont County have a right to a museum that provides:

• Good stewardship of its resources held in the public trust – A place where artifacts are cared for so that they will available for future generations instead of being found in the trash.

• A commitment to providing the public with physical and intellectual access to the museum and its collections – A place where the public is invited to use the museum and its artifacts/archives for research and their presence is welcomed.

• Public accountability and transparency in its operations and planning - Museum policies and procedures are clear and accessible to the public and are managed for public benefit not personal gain.

• Ongoing community involvement in its planning - Including various volunteer opportunities and educational programs instead of a hostile environment where volunteers and the community are run out and scared off.

• A museums board and staff willing to work to establish working relationships with local non-profits – A board willing to address issues with the Museum of the American West and the Pioneer Association and work together with other entities.

I would like to see measurable steps taken by the commissioners to ensure the Pioneer museum is a point of pride in our community and is managed by a different board and staff who are willing and able to address the above concerns.


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